Tecnopenta s.r.l.

About Tecnopenta: Innovation in Meteorology, Geotechnics, and Environmental Monitoring

Since 1996, Tecnopenta has designed, manufactured and supplied cutting-edge products and services in the fields of meteorology, hydrogeology, geotechnics and environmental measurement.

Our products marked with the 100% Made in Italy symbol are in fact the entire production process takes place in Italy. Attention to detail involves being meticulous, organized and to have accuracy so that the customer could be always satisfied with the purchase. Tecnopenta boasts a long and successfull partnership with Universities and Public Bodies in the development of prototypes and monitoring systems designed and built specifically for a customer. Over the years, the company has participated in many European projects thanks to which it boasts collaborations with universities and companies across Europe, including: University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland), Tecnology University of Delft (Delft, Holland), Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (Pau, France), University of Padua, University of Trento, Free University of Bolzano, University of Reggio Calabria, G-Impuls (Prague, Czech Rep.), UMS ( Munich, Germany), Pessl Instruments (Gratz, Austria) and many others. One of the company's strenghts is teamwork understood as sharing objectives aimed at customer satisfaction both, from the point of view of the product and of the pre- and post-sales service and at the level of consultancy, assistance, maintenance, calibration and repair.

The Company is known for the most advanced technologies and the best specialists in the sector which allow it to find personalized and modern solutions to the measurement in natural environments, adapting to the needs of both, the professional bodies (geologist, engineer, surveyor, researcher) and public institutions and private companies. A wide range of our products includes different categories from meteorology to environmental measuring. Company offers to its customers: weather sensors, hydrogeology instruments, seismic piezocone, mobile inclinometric probe, phreatimeters, load and pressure cells, avalanche pendulums, data loggers, globe thermometers and many others. In addition to the products, Tecnopenta offers a range of services: technical assistance, investigations and studies for special creations, instrument calibration, Data Processing and Data Analysis involving cutting-edge technology.


Via G. Galilei 7A/2
35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211

Via G. Galilei 7A/2 - 35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211 | Email: