The salt wedge phenomenon is generated in environments close to the coasts. It shows why seawater with a high salt content enters the continental aquifer over distances that can sometimes be significant. This extraordinary event is the source of important problems that can cause difficulties for water supply systems both, linked to agriculture and human consumption.
Tecnopenta has always supported large companies connected with management of water resources, through the installation and maintenance of automatic monitoring systems for parameters such as conductivity and rivers and canals water levels. Installing sensors of this type can be difficult. The first point to take into account is the installation site. Generally we tend to install the probes immersed in loops or small recesses in the banks. In this way, protection is offered in the event of floods or in the event of risks of collision with material transported by the current. However, care must be taken because the water must not be too subject to stagnation, as the chemical and physical parameters at the point of installation may not undergo the same changes as the rest of the volume of interest. The second thing to evaluate is how to protect in the best way the probes. In order to measure correctly, the sensors must be immersed and a body immersed in a fluid flow, that varies over time, can be subject to many problems, for example it could suffer impacts or move excessively and become damaged. A third problem is the need to access data quickly and easily. It makes necessary to evaluate the energy requirements of the equipment very carefully because the installation locations are often remote and not served by the national electricity grid.