Study Cases

Monitoring systems for large works and civil works

Landslide and avalanche warning system with monitoring

Landslide and avalanche warning system with monitoring

Tecnopenta srl ​​has designed and created a new avalanche sensor dedicated to the detection of avalanches and debris flow, capable of detecting the passage of moving material.

Sensors of this type have been used to create monitoring and early warning systems for debris flows and avalanches.

This avalanche sensor model uses inclination measurement and vibrations to detect moving mass.

Generally, the signals provided by the sensors are collected by processing units capable of analyzing the data and alerting personnel in charge, activating alarm systems or traffic light systems.

G1-tilt avalanche sensor

For complete control of the monitored area, can be installed in parallel with electrical tear-off contacts positioned in the avalanche passage areas, meteorological sensors and cameras or photo traps capable of being interrogated remotely.

Via G. Galilei 7A/2
35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211

Via G. Galilei 7A/2 - 35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

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