After positioning the wooden beam beneath the stabilizer, we proceed with the penetration of the piezocone into the ground up to the depth at which to perform the first acquisition of the shear waves. When mounting the piezocone on the battery of rods it is best to orient one of the axes of the accelerometers parallel to the beam in order to obtain maximum sensitivity in that direction. The tip resistance, lateral friction, pore pressure, inclination and temperature data are acquired every 2 cm and in addition the penetration speed is also recorded, maintained at 2 cm per second by the thrust system. Once the chosen depth has been reached, the drilling rods are released from the truck, lifting the thrust head of the penetrometer, so as to prevent the transmission of vibrations between the truck and the battery of rods. We proceed then with the first energization on the right side of the beam and if the acquired signal satysfying certain criteria we proceed with the energization on the opposite side in order to obtain two sets of similar data but with opposite polarity. The two data sets with different polarity help during the interpretation phase.