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[GEOTECNICA] Monitoraggio fessure

Crack Monitoring

Instruments used in monitoring and warning of cracks and movements of rock blocks. From the simplest screen crack meter to the IP68 electronic crack meter with gimbal connections.

Manually readable crack meters or crack meters

Manually readable crack meters or crack meters

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Screen crack meters are a simple and economical solution that allows you to monitor fractures and cracks.

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Mesh crack meters are a simple and economical solution that allows you to monitor fractures and cracks.

Precision millimeter measurement.

Both the coplanar and angled fixing versions are available.

Crack meters easy to install using pressure plugs or glues.

Via G. Galilei 7A/2
35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211

Via G. Galilei 7A/2 - 35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211 | Email: