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IDROGEOLOGIA - Parametri chimici e fisici

Chemical and physical parameters

Manual infiltrometer

Manual infiltrometer

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I1-Inf-tec manual infiltrometer used to determine the percolation rate of water in the turf in order to regulate irrigation flows and therefore, save water and minimize surface runoff.

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The I1-Inf-tec manual infiltrometer is used to determine the percolation rate of water in the turf in order to regulate irrigation flows and therefore, save water and minimize surface runoff. 

The infiltrometer has been used by hundreds of colleges, universities and 
government agencies. Reliable and made to last over time.

Via G. Galilei 7A/2
35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211

Via G. Galilei 7A/2 - 35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211 | Email: