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METEOROLOGIA - Radiazione solare


SM100 soil moisture sensor

SM100 soil moisture sensor

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The SM100 soil moisture sensor is characterized by double measuring electrode useful for automatic irrigation planning.

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The SM100 soil moisture sensor is characterized by a double measuring electrode using a FDR method.

Useful for irrigation control and planning.

Can be installed at different depths to measure the water content on multiple subsoil horizons.

Returns the soil moisture value expressed in %.

Can be combined with the FlexLog data logger also in parallel with other sensors in order to continuously monitor soil humidity and other parameters.

Via G. Galilei 7A/2
35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211

Via G. Galilei 7A/2 - 35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211 | Email: