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INDAGINI IN SITU - Perforazioni e sondaggi

Drilling and Probing

Continuous Automatic Diagraphy – DAC test

Continuous Automatic Diagraphy – DAC test

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G1-DAC control unit for drilling machinery that carries out geognostic investigations that execute continuous recordings of characteristic geotechnical parameters.

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The G1-DAC control unit is mounted on drilling machinery that carries out geognostic investigations which continuously record characteristic geotechnical parameters.

Continuous automatic diagraphy is commonly applied to core destruction drilling as an alternative to continuous core drilling or as its integration in areas of known stratigraphy.

It provides additional geological-technical information to the classic analysis of cuttings.
It allows evaluations of the mechanical characteristics of the crossed layers.

The sensors that make up the continuous automatic diagraphy system necessary for carrying out DAC tests are:

  • pressure transducer (200 bar fs or other), measurement of thrust pressure;
  • pressure transducer (200 bar fs or other), rotation pressure measurement;
  • pressure transducer (200 bar fs or other), measurement of drilling fluid pressure;
  • G1-EST DAC: displacement transducer with extensible cable, measurement of the depth reached by the tool;
  • G1-ROT DAC: rod rotation speed meter;
  • G1-INT DAC: memory button/control switch

Via G. Galilei 7A/2
35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211

Via G. Galilei 7A/2 - 35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211 | Email: