Piezometric monitoring of Scrovegni chapel in Padua

Piezometric monitoring of Scrovegni chapel in Padua

On behalf of the Municipality of Padua, Tecnopenta has been managing the monitoring of the groundwater level in the area around the Scrovegni Chapel for years. The protection of a heritage such as the Scrovegni Chapel is a very important topic for the community and often the subject of discussion, that is why to Tecnopenta is committed to constant maintenance and verification of the installed sensor network. The numerous level transducers installed and used to monitor the piezometric levels around the Chapel are located inside the Eremitani Garden and in more external areas, far from the Chapel. Some measure below Piazzale Boschetti and other points of interest near the Scrovegni Chapel. The monitoring also includes the level of the Piovego Canal via a hydrometric station. The pressure transducers used by Tecnopenta ( model I1-B1 ) are of the relative type and communicate with the atmosphere thanks to a barometric compensation tube placed inside the cable, that carries the electrical power supply and the data taken by the sensor. Each station is autonomous and equipped with its own data logger and data transmission module. The data is sent to a webserver where it is graphed and made available to users both, for download and for online consultation.

Via G. Galilei 7A/2
35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211

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