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Tensiometer for soil moisture measurements

Tensiometer for soil moisture measurements

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Tensiometer used for soil moisture measurement in irrigation.

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The tensiometer is used to measure soil moisture at the end of irrigation.

The instrument consists of a sealed tube filled with water which has a porous ceramic cap at the end.

The pipe is installed in the ground at the desired depth. In the presence of dry soil, water tends to escape from the pores of the ceramic capsule and the reduction in volume inside the instrument generates a negative partial pressure.

An increase in humidity in the soil instead generates a reversal of the flow of water, causing the pressure to rise.

This partial pressure variation can be read with a pointer vacuum gauge or with a pressure transducer if you wish to continuously read the data.

Via G. Galilei 7A/2
35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211

Via G. Galilei 7A/2 - 35037 Teolo (PD) - Italy

+39 049 9902211 | Email: